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Скачать Water Life / 4-Disc Edition (2009) [Blu-ray 3D 1080p AVC DTS-HD 5.1]

Полное название: Water Life / 4-Disc Edition (2009) [Blu-ray 3D 1080p AVC DTS-HD 5.1]
Тип: Документальное 3D / Документальное 3D /Blu-Ray/
Название: Water Life
Год выхода: 2009
Жанр: документальный

Сюжет фильма:

Water Life captures extraordinary locations and intimate animal behavior never before seen on film. Two years in the making, this groundbreaking series takes viewers on an unprecedented visual journey to aquatic ecosystems on five continents to reveal how water shapes and sculpts the landscape and provides food and refuge for an astonishing array of species. This epic series tells water's story as never before to engage viewers in vital discussions about how water must be conserved and preserved. The most educational series ever filmed on planet water, viewers will learn the impact of climate change, pollution and other factors that are changing the environment and affecting each and every one of us.


Описание эпизодов
Episode 1: A World of Water
Продолжительность: 00:29:19

As a fitting opener to the rest of the series, this episode primarily focuses on the composition of animals and plants, establishing the use and necessity of water for all living beings to exist. Along the way, we're introduced to multiple species of wildlife that each have a unique way of incorporating water into their daily life. The episode isn't in-depth, but as a quick primer for what to expect in the following episodes, it certainly serves its purpose.

Episode 2: The Wandering Water
Продолжительность: 00:28:01

As the disc opens, we're introduced to an educational analysis of various shapes generated by water. From gas in the atmosphere to the expansive oceans that cover the planet, water molecules are constantly changing, yet always there (next time you drink a glass of water, consider the chance you're drinking a molecule that nourished a dinosaur).

Episode 3: Where Water is Born
Продолжительность: 00:29:27

This episode is a bit more effective at zeroing in on a theme and sticking with that focus throughout the entire episode. As the title suggests, we're taken on a journey from the origin of water at glaciers or snowcapped mountain runoff, to the hillside lakes and streams below. The amphibious life that populate the calm pools and cascading creeks mark the wildlife focus of the episode, which seems to be a fitting choice when you consider the simple-celled nature of many amphibious water-dwellers.

Episode 4: Liquids Roads
Продолжительность: 00:27:31

Episode 5: The Quiet Flow
Продолжительность: 00:27:49

This episode delves into an analysis of the animals that populate pools and banks of slow moving rivers. Compared with prior episodes, there's a greater focus on the land-dwelling creatures that build their homes along the shores of the rivers, feasting on the abundant plantlife and providing necessary food and nutrients to the creatures that live within the waters.

Episode 6: Soup of Life
Продолжительность: 00:28:02

Episode 7: Dark Water
Продолжительность: 00:28:16

Episode 8: Useful Water
Продолжительность: 00:28:38

Episode 9: Water's Skin
Продолжительность: 00:27:08

Episode 10: Protective Water
Продолжительность: 00:28:08

Snowfall and ice build-up are the subject of this episode, which analyzes the formation of glaciers and the effect seasonal snow has on the wildlife in mountainous regions. In addition, we're shown the positive and negative attributes of ice covered rivers or streams on the creatures that live below the water. It's usually not a good thing to say I sat and watched ice melt, but that's exactly what you'll do during this episode (using time-lapse photography).

Episode 11: Borrowed Water
Продолжительность: 00:27:56

Episode 12: Fleeting Water
Продолжительность: 00:28:47

As the title implies, this episode focuses on the arid climates of the world and the effect the scarce resource has on the landscape. Naturally, the plants and animals of the Sahara and other desert terrain are on display throughout this segment, which shows the unique adaptations life has undergone in order to survive in a climate most would deem unfit to sustain life.

Episode 13: Jungle Water
Продолжительность: 00:26:43

Continuing with the theme of analyzing different forms of life that populate varying climates across the world, the animals and plants of the rainforests are the subject of this section. As most of us are aware, the rainforest is the most complex ecosystem on the planet, housing a diverse population of undiscovered species. Throughout this episode, you'll be introduced to a collection of plants and land-dwelling animals that call the jungle canopy their home.

Episode 14: Salt Forests
Продолжительность: 00:28:27

Episode 15: Kingdom of Tides
Продолжительность: 00:27:52

Episode 16: Extreme Water
Продолжительность: 00:27:40

Episode 17: The Frontier of the Sea
Продолжительность: 00:29:14

As much as humans love to go tanning at the beach, the wildlife living along the ocean coastline rely on beaches for their survival. Plants have adapted over the years to live within sandy dunes (storing water for use during low tide), elephant seals and penguins use the beach for mating (not with each other of course), and turtles emerge from their ocean home to lay eggs in the soft sand of the beach. In a disgusting turn, we're shown extensive footage of birds and insects feasting on the rotting corpse of a turtle that washed ashore.

Episode 18: On the Seaside
Продолжительность: 00:29:25

Episode focuses on the cliffs and rocky habitats that exist along the ocean coast. Animals living within this ecosystem are separated into zones according to how close they stay to the level of the water. For instance, periwinkles, acorn barnacles, and crustaceans all live in the high water zone, since they only need the occasional gush of water to fill their tide pool. In contrast, the low water zone would remain close to water level, since the wildlife within that zone can't afford to run the risk of being without water.

Episode 19: Under the Sea
Продолжительность: 00:28:22

Continuing with the ocean theme, this episode moves one step closer to land, presenting viewers with a glimpse of the ecosystem in various smaller bodies of water (when I say small, I'm merely referring to a comparison with the wide expanse of the ocean). These creatures largely hide in the graveyard of the sea bed, which consists of decaying shells, bones and organic material. During this episode, we're shown a school of hunting sharks, and introduced to various creatures that blend into their surroundings.

Episode 20: In Sight of the Coast
Продолжительность: 00:29:19

Episode 21: The Underwater City
Продолжительность: 00:29:50

Taking one step further inland, episode three provides an analysis of the symbiotic link between algae and coral. The complex formation of coral reefs help nurture, protect and shelter the various creatures that hide in the crevices of the beautiful reefs. In total, over a half million different species make their home in cities of coral (based on scientific estimates).

Episode 22: The Big Blue
Продолжительность: 00:27:09

This episode provides a general overview of oceanic life. The migratory patterns of whales and turtles are given an in-depth analysis, and we're shown some of the odd looking creatures that populate the area of Earth that remains virtually unexplored by humans. Additionally, the hunting practices of several ocean inhabitants are revealed, as they lay traps for unsuspecting visitors.

Episode 23: Water's Pulse
Продолжительность: 00:27:59

Endowed with the task of holding the attention of viewers through the midway point of the disc, the third episode is a cautionary lesson on the influence the human pollution is having on underwater species. In some cases, the loss of waterways to damming have led to an abrupt shift in the balance of the ecosystems that once populated those rivers and streams. Other examples include the overhunting of sturgeon or seals (it may sound odd, but apparently sturgeon are hunted by the mafia in Russia and seal testicles are sold on an absurd black market as an aphrodisiac) across the globe. After several atrocities are described, the episode closes with a call to arms directed at the viewing public, asking each person to do their part in changing the impact humans are having on the planet.

Episode 24: Uncertain Water
Продолжительность: 00:27:09

The theme of this entry discusses the environmental impact carbon dioxide is having on the dwindling atmosphere that encapsulates Earth, and how the changing temperatures impact glaciers, water temperatures and the climate of several ecosystems across the globe. Amphibians and insects are the primary focus, but their destruction also impacts thousands of other species that rely on their existance in the food chain. For instance, the penguin population has shrunk nearly 60% in the past 25 years, simply due to a reduction in their food supply.

Episode 25: Water's Voices
Продолжительность: 00:28:13

Technical Specs
Blu-ray 3D
BD-50 Dual-Layer Disc
4-Disc Set

Video Resolution/Codec
1080p/AVC MPEG-4

Aspect Ratio(s)

Audio Formats
German DTS-HD MA 5.1
English DTS-HD MA 2.0


Making of

Размер: 171.01 GB
Оригинал релиза на Всё 3D Рунета
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